You stop by a local monastery for good vegetarian food and tea poured from fancy tea pots made in Yixing. It's a few hours bus ride from here to Yixing if you would like to haggle for a tea pot in the shape of a forest stump, complete with moss and lichen, and four tiny frogs in the place of legs.

The park is a good retreat from the heavy bicycle traffic and mayhem of the city.
Your best bet for cheap train tickets is the black market, but buyer beware! If you want to play it safe, get up at 6
am and pray that you will find the right line and the right train station, because, noone, not even the ticket sellers
will agree where the lao wai (honorable foreigners) should buy their tickets.
Try to get a berth in a sleeper car, because it's a 24 hour haul to Beijing .
Are you lost??? Check the MAP or go to the START.